are based on general purpose microprocessor or microcontroller or on DSP processor. On the other hand, how to quit is simply by pressing the 'escape' key. Those are mostly microprocessor-based solutions and platforms. However, if the time ends and the bad unicorn fails to collide with the other, symbolically, love wins over hate.If the player/s wish/es to play again, he/she can do so by simply making the characters move again by pressing the keys mentioned above. David Seal ARM Architecture Reference Manual, 2001 Addison Wesley.
Once the bad unicorn collides with the good one, as indicated by a sound, it means game is over and unfortunately 'hate' wins. Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing, 4th edition, Thomson. This is a 2-player game represented by 2 unicorns as my sprites, wherein 1 is considered a 'good' one(the normal-looking unicorn) and the other one (who is posed like scaring someone) is the bad character in our game.Basically the mechanics of the game is that the bad one would have to chase the good one around within the duration of 60 seconds(as shown on the upper left timer).How to move the sprites is by pressing the 'right', 'left', 'up', 'down' keys for the good unicorn, and the keys 'w', 'a', 's' and 'x' for the bad unicorn. Here are just some of last year’s final projects, randomly ordered! How to Prepare for Technical Interviews.GitHub Instagram LinkedIn ORCID Quora Reddit TikTok Twitter